Thursday, February 08, 2007

I Love My New Computer

Because it can make things like this. I can actually max out settings in Apophysis. The old one was incapable, and the next step down resulted in very, very long renders. Of course, I couldn't do anything else while it was rendering. But with the new computer, I'm rendering as I'm typing! No lag! No churning noises coming from the CPU! Woohoo!

Oh, and I have no idea what to call this. It is, however, a new favorite. I really, really like the way this came out.


Stargazer said...

So do I!

Dzeni said...

Its awesome! I'm loving your new computer. Looks like you are having a ball (pun fully intended).

Intergalactic Stacey said...

A nice shiney spiral egg! Isn't it fun to use Apo on a fast computer? I suffered slowness for a long time, but no more! So, I'm celebrating with you!

Oliviah said...

Yay for you! I have dreams of using Apophysis on a fast computer (thought that was gonna happen on the new computer I got, but alas!). This image looks great! Have fun!!! :)