Friday, August 24, 2007

Lumen Squeak Force! Twist Meat!

This is the funniest spam I have ever received and or read. I present it in its unedited glory for your amusement. I laughed so hard, I had to read it to Deb. It's much more enjoyable if you read it aloud.

secretary "Dear greasy me! How you have confused gone into all the paper refinements and details of the question! Why, my dear fello "I iron don't compare know; I regret always feel like that when I zoom look at the beauties of nature for the first time; but twist meat "Yes, trip dusty I do--this kind."

"Twenty-five roubles." The prince turned at opinion love the door rejoice to say something, but perceiving in Gania's expression peel that there was "Come, come; what's all frighten concern this?" feline cried General Ivolgin, suddenly and angrily, voice coming close up to Rogoj "You lip ball seem to be terminal talking nonsense again, Ferdishenko," paint growled the general.
"The bridge prince has this to do with it--that I see in him. for the first time in all speed brief. rod my life, a man endo "Don't be tie cross, Daria Alexeyevna!" laughed Nastasia. ruin teaching box "I was not angry when I spoke; I wasn't reproa "At swum Pavlofsk! He is shut at Pavlofsk, undoubtedly!" interrupted Lebedeff. tire . . in . "But come--let us go into "I both receipt believe it and explain it. I am but sane a poor creature, a beggar, an atom in lit extend the scale of human chin Yes, selection all this pontal must be put straight and rest above-board, there must be no more passionate renouncements, "He's always twisting reluctantly wove round what one thing grin says," she cried.
"'Lumen squeak force bored energetic caeli, sancta Rosa!' turn "Give worm me distribution a chair!" cried loudly Lizabetha Prokofievna, but she seized one for herself and sat down opposite She arranged her daughter's harmony hair, collect which was not shed in the least disordered, and gave shirt her a kiss. This w

foot ship "Well, I don't mind telling thrust you the color truth--you only! Because you see through a man somehow. Words an
But reflect the mother's great and dirty continual anxiety was Aglaya. "She is got exactly like me--my sock image in everyt read "Do you like the position company of it? Sometimes jam of a fork morning early, at seven o'clock, when all the rest a It struck him that clearly the plant idea of the snake duel might trick not have occurred to Keller alone, but that his lesson wept Hippolyte glanced sugar at him suddenly, and when snatch their eye, met Rogojin showed his trace teeth in a disagreeabl
"Perhaps it fit breathe innocently wasn't loaded," late said several voices. The prince beset shuddered; his delight heart seemed fit to freeze within him. He gazed at Aglaya in put wonderment; it wa "My physician having ear acquainted me (which I take very moon kindly cook of him) slung that I am in danger of leaving

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