Monday, January 02, 2006

Ice Melts At Night

I promise that my next picture will have colors other than blue and purple in them. I just like them. Sue me.


Helen said...

This is really gorgeous. I was wondering if August '06 is significant to you, you like the picture or for some reason are rushing the year? Just curious really.
(you probably would want to know that your yahoo auction link is not working)

Wontar said...

Helen - Thanks! Glad you like the picture. August '06 isn't really significant. It was just the first month's pic I grabbed. Thanks also for letting me know about the Yahoo site. All fixed.

Trée said...

Very cool pic, no pun intended. Was this done in Apophysis? Any post-processing? Very good work here. Wonderful effect.

Wontar said...

Trée - This was an Apophysis image at first, followed by some Photoshop filters to add the swirl at the top and a color burn to make the colors more vibrant. Glad you like it!