Saturday, December 03, 2005

Don't Drain Your Pasta In A Calendar

We bought a Christmas tree earlier today. We thought the trees would be fresher than the ones in NY, because we assumed they'd be fresh-cut from the mountains of AZ. We were half right. The trees were fresher, but they came from North Carolina. Odd.

We had the TV on while putting the lights on the tree. Doing so made me come up with the following question: Could someone please tell me why "Rudolph's Shiny New Year" was on today? It's December 3rd! Are the Valentine's Day specials going to start airing next week so we can start with the St. Patrick's Day parade on the 26th? There are enough Christmas specials out there. Why the hell would they put a New Year's special on in the beginning of December?

All I know is that I want to see a Boxing Day special this year. It's long overdue.


utenzi said...

We do have a lot of tree farms here in NC but that's a long way to ship them...

Sam Woodfin said...

I take it you missed How Billy & Mandy Saved Christmas?

Wontar said...

utenzi - Maybe they get frequent flyer miles for trees or something? Or frequent trucker miles.

Sam - You would be correct. You may now color me confused, as I don't know who Billy and Mandy are.