Monday, May 16, 2005

Better Than a Slide Projector

I added a bunch of pictures of our cross-country trip to my main site under "Photos". If you have a dialup connection, consider yourself warned... it's going to take a while to load. Even though I made the pics small. Click on the links, and go get a drink or something. Those with high-speed access get the added bonus of clicking on pics and seeing them in giganto-vision.

In other news, we bought a hand-made vase from a roadside vendor yesterday. It's just over two feet tall, and about a foot wide. I've seen similar things sell for $100 or more, easy. We got it for $35. In my next post, I'll be describing cheap places to eat with my AARP discount, how much my hip hurts, and why I can't stand those kids with their loud rock'n'roll music. Sheesh.

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